General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Element Output

    • x.137

      I am using the CONTA174 element in ANSYS Mechanical, which has an output parameter called DENER that I am interested in..


      How do I access/view these results in the workbench? 

    • Tasos Zacharakis
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Muzamil,


      After solving the analysis, you go the design tree -> click on Solution -> go to ribbon -> Home tab -> Worksheet -> click on Available Solution Quantities ->  find DENER -> right click -> Create User Defined Results.

      Then go to the design tree and evaluate this user defined result.

      As stated here : CONTA174 (, this result is available only when one of the following material models is used: TB,CZM,,,,BILI or TB,CZM,,,,EXPO.


      Let me know if this helps.


      Thank you,


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