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Effects of pressure and temperature on a revolving door installed in a building

    • Sara


      I'm trying to resolve a problem on what would be the effect on the revolving door that is installed in a building when there is a pressure and temperature difference in both inside and outside of the building. For example, during winters the temperatures outside the building are between -1 to -10F while the temperatures inside the building are maintained and controlled to be 68 to 72F and how would this change in temperature effect the revolving door assuming the door has a certain motor torque to it.

      I'm trying to understand if it is possible to simulate in only Ansys Fluid or can be done in Ansys mechanical aswell. Please suggest on this.

      Thank you!

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You could spin the door for both conditions at the same rate and check torque in Fluent. You're pushing and pulling against each side equally so I don't know what you'll see. 

      I have no idea if flow or the temperature effect on the mechanical parts will be a factor. 

    • Sara

      Hi Rob,

      Thank you for your response. While it makes sense that there won't be any effect on the mechanical parts, Considering the glass panels and the rubber gasketing on the door panels would there be a possibility that this simulation would help us understand how these parts will behave during the temperature/pressure change?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You can run the CFD model and see if the solid temperature changes. Then feed the temperature into Mechanical if that then has any effect on friction/bendiness etc. Otherwise, it's complicated. The CFD model will highlight temperature & pressure effects but you'd not see any swelling etc. Will the Mechanical model be sensitive enough to pick up the swelling effect due to temperature? If it was significant I'd not get into the office in the winter! The only problem our Canadian colleagues ever commented on was revolving doors with several feet of snow.... 

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