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Eddy currents in large structures with thin walls

    • quemener

      In Maxwell 3D, how can one simulate a set of connected large metallic vacuum chambers (10-20 meters long, 2 meters in diameter) with small thickness (15 mm)? These vacuum chambers are located in an area where a low frequency oscillating field from a coil is applied (f ~ 3 Hz - 5000 Hz).
      The goal of the simulation is to find the eddy currents distribution in the chamber walls along with the transmitted magnetic field inside the tower as a function of the applied field frequency as well as a function of the permeability and conductivity of the chamber material.
      The difficulty is to mesh such a system. In Comsol there is a way to avoid 3D meshing of the chamber walls thickness by replacing them by an average surface to which a special "transition boundary condition" is applied. Is this feasible in Maxwell 3D?

      Thanks a lot for any help/hints.

    • HDLI
      Ansys Employee


          You could use "impendence" boundary to simulate it without inside meshing. You could select object and then right click to select extension selection > all object faces for this boudary. Thanks.



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