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DPM drag force store in UDMI

    • Sayantan Biswas

      Dear All,

      I'm working on air-water two fluid system using DPM method. The darg force is implinted via UDF. I want to store the DPM drag force magnitude in a UDMI. What modification it required to store 'drag_force' in an UDMI?

      Drag UDF as follow:

      # include "udf.h"

      # include "dpm.h"



      Thread *t= P_CELL_THREAD(p); /*not sure about this line*/

      cell_t c= P_CELL(p); /*not sure about this line*/

      real dia, etov;

      real adrag, bdrag, cdrag, drag_force;

      dia=0.005;  /* bubble diameter */

      /* to compute Eotvos Number */


      /* to compute the drag coefficient */







      drag_force=(18.0*cdrag*Re)/24.0; /*this term I want to store in a UDMI*/



      return (drag_force);


      UDMI requires to access cell and thread, how do I define in DPM simulation?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      Are you wanting the DPM effect on the fluid, or the fluid effect on the particle? https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/account/Secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/corp/v212/en/flu_udf/flu_udf_sec_define_dpm_body_force.html may give you some hints.
    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee
      Just not use hybrid parallel method and it would work (as hybrid might require some more lines to avoid co-current processes writing in the same memory). I have a feeling you are just using the UDF without really understanding the whole issue: is this correct?
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