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Display the mesh for interior zones of 3D geometry

    • Nawaf Rasheed

      I'm working on multiphase fluent 2D problem, and I'm able use display mesh to see the interior mesh zones. (As shown in attchment)

      Meanwhile I can't do that on multiphase 3D problem:

      Consequently, I can't check the temperature gradient among the geometry after solving the problem

      Any advice?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      It's generally a really bad idea to display the interior in Fluent as the number of facets may crash the computer. It's more common to create planes/isosurfaces etc and display on those. If you REALLY want to test your graphics use Results>Surface>Create>Zone in the ribbon. 

    • Hemant Gurav
      Ansys Employee

      Can you check the cell zones/boundary condiyions in outline view ? Right click on the required zones then click on display. Let me know if zones are visible in Diaplay Mesh after displaying them using the outline view.

      For more information please refere to :
      Interior mesh not appearing in fluent (ansys.com)
      How to make interior zones available in Fluent Meshing? - Ansys Knowledge
      Missing Named Selection in Fluent (ansys.com)


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