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Discrete Phase Modeling – Report/Particle Summary/Injection

    • sjohn

      I have compared the total mass obtained from the Particle Summary report for a single injection with hand calculated mass in the table below for 4 different simulation runs. The pressure swirl atomizer model was used for atomization. Under DPM, unsteady particle tracking was selected. The stop column idicates the time at which injection was stopped. The injection was started at 0 s.  The hand calculated mass was obtained as mfr*dt*steps, where mfr is mass flowrate, dt= time step, and # steps = no. of steps. The 

      I confused as to why the masses don't match for certain runs. Also, why number of particles (Np) as well as parcels reduce from Try4 to Try5 and Try6.

    • Prashanth
      Ansys Employee

      The table shows that the mismatch happens when you increase the flow rate by 10 times. Can you reveal what exact injection settings are fed to the atomizer model?

    • sjohn

      I figured out that the mass reported by Injection summary is just the mass present in the domain at the last time step.

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