3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

Discovery License

    • smjang

      If you have any questions about the Discovery License, please contact us.
      As far as I know, discovery is currently divided into a modeling license and a simulation license.
      I understand that the modeling license can only activate the modeling stage, and the simulation license only activates the Explore stage.

      My question is, if there is only a simulation license without a modeling license, can I use the functions related to modeling modifications (Pull, Fill, Move, etc.) in the Explore phase?
      And if you only have a simulation license, how far will the file import and export extensions be recognized?

      thank you. 

    • Subashni Ravichandran
      Forum Moderator

      Hello smjang

      Let me check with my team on this and I will keep you posted.

    • Subashni Ravichandran
      Forum Moderator

      Hello smjang

      You can access all capabilities of Discovery Modeling license if you have Discovery Simulation license. Discovery Modeling is a subset of Discovery Simulation license. With Discovery Simulation license you can access all geometry capabilities of Model mode in Discovery + export/import of geometry files is same as Discovery Modeling + Explore mode Simulation + SpaceClaim access.

      • smjang

        Subashni Thank you for quick response. We will refer to it for work.

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