3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

Difficulties creating enclosure

    • deimic


      I have downloaded a cow 3d model and I am trying to create an analysis for it in Fluent. However, when I try to generate the enclosure via Design Modeller, I get an error, regarding to the body. Also, I noticed that the model is now transparent somehow. I tried stiching is Discovery, but the feedback I get is that there are no faces to stich. The files are .obj and .igs, same situation for both of those. Please note that I am relatively new to this software. Any help would be very appreciated :)

    • peteroznewman

      Please reply with the link where you downloaded the cow from.

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee



      If you bring the CAD into Discovery it can create the enclosure (do not use Design modeler for this).

      Best wishes



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