General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Difference between Joint and Pretension ?

    • Amar Cindrak


      What is the "physical" difference between joint and pretension when applying a bolt pretension load ? 

      When should joint be applied and when should pretension be applied ? 


      I ask that because I don't get the same value of stress locally at the bot's thread when using "joint" and when using "pretension", although the same bolt pretension value has been applied. 


      Best regards,



    • Akshay Maniyar
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Amar,

       If the bolt specified with pretension is likely to undergo large rotation, set this property to Joint. Please check the below Ansys help link for more details.

      Bolt Pretension (

      3.9. Defining Preload in a Joint Fastener Undergoing Large Rotation (


      Akshay Maniyar

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