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FEEM: Determine Tm Mode via Skript

    • Leon Neymeyer


      I would like to simulate the effect of metal on the losses of the TE and TM fundamental modes in the waveguide. To do this, I always change the distance by hand and then have to see where the fundamental modes were simulated. I actually want to loop through and save the losses from the fundamental modes. How can I determine which are the fundamental modes in the waveguide without always having to look at the mode profiles, because it is possible that a mode is routed in metal (see picture)? Unfortunately, it is not clear from the TE polarisation fraction.

      Here a "TM-Mode (TE-Polarizazion fraction: 1.41e-5) in the metal:

      Here the expected TM Mode (TE polarization fraction: 2.31e-5) in my waveguide:

      Is it possible to export this mode profile so that I can quickly check afterwards whether the mode was guided correctly?

      Thanks in advance!

      Best regards,



    • Devika
      Ansys Employee

      Hi, apologies for the late response. The forum was down. 

      You like to extarct the mode profile?

      Can you share more information like which software are you using? which monitor?

      Note: I would suggest to usemode source and mode expansion monitor to get mode profile.

      Thank you 


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