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Designing a single mode fiber

    • jiglesi1

      I designed a Lumerical Mode Solution rectangular Si waveguide with Si substrate and adjusted the width and thickness in order to achieve one TE mode. I want to now design a single mode fiber where the indices of the fiber core and cladding are 1.6 and 1.4. However I am still somewhat new to Lumerical and have never designed a fiber on it. I can use some advice on if I should take my existing design and tweak the geometry to make my fiber design while keeping the single mode, or should I just do a brand new design for the single mode fiber? In order to design the fiber, am I just creating two cylinders or circles with the core in between the cladding? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you!


    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee

      You can either based on existing example or from scratch. YOu can use a cylinder as the core and a ring as the clading, or even two cylinders (circle). Since Lumerical uses mesh override the geometry you may first create the cladding, and change the core radius.

      Other than TE mode, do you have other requirements?  I believe crearing a fiber to have TE mode is easy. But with other requirements you may need to spend time to optimize, or parameter sweep.

    • jiglesi1

      Thank you Guilin Sun for your reply. What I have done so far is I found a Lumerical page that has fiber files to use and I downloaded the step index FDE file since technically my single mode fiber is a step index fiber. I attached my pics of my single mode fiber design and the calculations I used to design the geometry of the waveguide. The calculations for the radius of the core gave me a radius of .7659 um. I made the cladding radius 10 times the core radius so cladding radius is 7.659 um. The FDE I designed to have an x span and a y span of 38 um each. After calculating the modes I get two modes. I cannot seem to design to generate one mode only. I also included plots of my two modes. Can someone please let me know how I can tweak my design to get only one mode? Any advice is welcome.


    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee

      Ibelieve that two modes you get are correct: they are degenerated TE and TM modes. Their mode profile is the same with the same neff. If you use some  kind o fsymmetry BCs, one will disappear. For example, you can use xmin anti-symmetric, and ymin symmetric. You can check the SMF example.


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