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General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Deforming body through boundary displacement as input

    • Adamya Dhaker


      I am trying to solve a 2-way FSI problem- i want to apply boundary displacement at each timestep as an input for deformation, and then observe the fluid-structure interaction. Is it possible to select an arbitrary set of points on a body's boundary and then if we know their displacements at each timestep, we apply that displacement and get deformation?

      Thank You

    • Federico
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Adamya, 

      You mention that you want to do a 2-way FSI problem, but are you looking to couple Fluent and Mechanical systems for this?

      In Mechanical, you can insert a Remote displacement as a table of values for defined points.

      In Fluent, you can apply a transient profile to your deforming boundary for arbitrary locations. Fluent will interpolate the displacements of the intermediate nodes between the specified points. 

      • Adamya Dhaker

        Hello Mr. Federico

        Thank you for your reply. We are essentially looking to apply a deformation to the boundary (a very large deformation) in Mechanical, and do a coupling with Fluent to see how it affects the fluid flow. Since I posted the message, we have changed our approach to just do a 1-way FSI. We want to apply displacement to the boundary (or even the geometry centerline) in Mechanical and see how that affects the fluid flow in Fluent. The fluid is supposed to be stationary. So will the remote displacement approach work? The deformation we want to apply is very large

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