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Data Extraction From A Rake

    • ulrich.meintjes

      I made a rake of about 20 points. I want to pull data (specifically the species) for each time step from each individual point on the rake. However in my report defintions, every method I use takes all of the points, averages them, and returns me a single value. So instead of having 20 data points per time step, I only get one. How can I address this?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Have a look at xy plots. You can save the data to file rather than plotting. You really don't want to do that at every time step, but you can also use Execute Commands (I suggest using TUI commands as the GUI macros require VERY careful panel selections) every some time steps. 

      Alternatively, you can use points rather than a rake and monitor each point value, saving that to file. In Excel you can then combine all of the points to plot point v time; rake at single time etc. 

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