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Creating Parameter matrix for requisite coil structure

    • poonamchnd23


      I am simulating the coil  in the ANSYS maxwell. I am not able to connect them in the proper configuration. 

      I want the nearby condutor group to connected as parallel and then each parallely connect group to be connected in series. 

      How to create a single Parameter Matrix??



      Please help me in this.

    • HDLI
      Ansys Employee


      Hello poonamchnd23,

             Please use eddy current solver and assign winding/coil or current for each wire. We have:

             1). After making Matrix by selecting all winding/current, please right-click “Matrix1 > join in parallel” to select first 7 winding/current to generate ReducemMatrix1

             2). then right-click “ReduceMatrix1> join in parallel” to define 2nd 7 wires

             3). then “ReduceMatrix1> join in parallel” to define 3rd group.

             4). right-click “ReduceMatrix1> join in series” to select 3 defined groups to make serie connection.



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