General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Coupled field transient iterations force convergence

    • engr.rohan7

      Hello community,

      With reference to the image attached I have questions related to number of iterations and time increment. This simulation is a coupled field transient analysis of brakedrum. Total time for braking is 2.5sec. However, if we observe, first 3 loadsteps have converged in relatively less number of iterations as compared to the 4 load step which is still running. How to reduce the number of iterations for the 4th load step (currently having ~22000 iterations)? Can we stop the solve and modify the initial, min, max timesteps so that load step completes in less number of iterations? Looking forward to community's suggestions.

      Above image shows the time step details for load step 4.



    • Lydia
      Ansys Employee

      Dear Rohan,

      You can't change the number of timesteps while solving the analysis. Because you have Restart Controlls On, you could interrupt the analysis and do a restart calculation from the desired timestep 16.1.4. Restart Analysis ( 18.5. Using Solution Restarts (

      Hope this helps.

      Warm regards,


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