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Core loss Analysis _ transient

    • YEEUN KO

      "The attached photo includes the inductor design, core loss, and input current waveform. The input current is defined as {abs(20sin(2pi60time))+(abs(5sin(2pi50000time))-2.5)}. However, I think the core loss is too high. Core information such as the B-H Curve and B-P Curve has been provided. Can anyone help with this issue? I'm not sure if this waveform is correct."

    • HDLI
      Ansys Employee

      Hello YEEUN,

            Maxwell would use dynamic core loss model in time domain, so it is not in steady state in beginning of simualtion and the core loss results may have calculation tolerance.

            Could you enter more cycles of 0 current to reach steady state, then increase current ?

            In 24R1, user could specify custom core loss. Could you try this too?


      • YEEUN KO

        So you mean we have to wait a while to get to the normal state? Then I put the sine wave rectified from above as input, and if I do this, I get the core loss value of the transient section, not the core loss value of the normal state?

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