General Mechanical

General Mechanical

Topics related to Mechanical Enterprise, Motion, Additive Print and more.

Contact Type

    • Jeonee


      I want to define a contact relationship between the 2 parts I marked. The yellow part is inside the other part with the cold bushing method.

      I am thinking of doing bonded but I am not sure.

      Can you help me on the subject?

    • Harshvardhan
      Ansys Employee

      By the "cold bush method" I am assuming that this creates a press fit. If that is the case, then bonded contact can be used.

      Please feel free to correct my assumptions if they are incorrect.

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      • Jeonee

        It applies pressure, but when there is too much load, the part can separate. So what if we use friction contact and apply a fixed joint from the front and back?

    • Harshvardhan
      Ansys Employee

      So how much load is "too much load". If you think that the loads during this simulation can go near the spearation load, then may want to, but otherwise it might not be as helpful. Moreover, frictional contacts are non-linear in nature and may introduce convergance issues.

      If you wish to apply fixed joint and frictional contact, then fixed joint will neggate any friction between those 2 parts (Assuming we are applying fixed joints to those parts)

      If you wish to accurately model the press fit and the resulting contact pressure, you can refer this video:

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