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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Considering the average temperature in a UDF


    • eng_m_m.abd89

      Hello, this is my UDF for heat source; it worked well, but now I want to consider the average temperature instead of the cell temperature. My domain is three bodies [the battery, battery wall, and fluid around them]. I want to consider only the average temperature of the battery. Any help with performing this?

      #include "udf.h"
      #include "stdio.h"
      #include "math.h"
      #include "mem.h"
      #include "time.h"

      // Inputs
      #define V_bat 0.0000165 // Battery volume (m^3)
      #define H_chem 11740 // Total heat release of chemical reaction (J)
      #define H_sc 17560 // Total heat release of short circuit (J)
      #define rho 2600 // Density of battery (kg/m^3)
      #define Cp 1720 // Specific heat capacity (J/kg.K)
      #define A 0.92 // Pre-exponential factor (unitless)
      #define b 28.5 // Reaction rate constant (unitless)
      #define T_ref 533.15 // Normalized temperature coefficient (K)
      #define T_chem 413.15 // Start temperature of chemical reactions (K)
      #define T_tr 533.15 // Triggering temperature of thermal runaway (K)
      #define C_chem_max 12
      #define C_elec_max 12

      // UDF to define heat generation source term
      DEFINE_SOURCE(my_battery_heat_source_trial,c,t,ds, eqn)
      // Declaring Local variable for chemical and electrical energy concentration
      real C_chem = 1.0;
      real C_chem_old = 1.0;
      real C_elec = 1.0;
      real C_elec_old = 1.0;
      real dC_chem_dt = 0.0;
      real dC_elec_dt = 0.0;
      real q_chem;
      real q_elec;
      real qv;
      real T = C_T(c,t); // Get the temperature from the cell
      real dt = CURRENT_TIMESTEP; // Get the simulation time step
      // Function to compute the rate of change of C_chem (dC_chem/dt)
      if (T>T_chem && T<=T_tr && C_chem>=0 && C_chem<=1)
      dC_chem_dt =(Cp / H_chem) * A * rho * V_bat * pow((T / T_ref), b);
      else if (T>T_tr && C_chem>=0 && C_chem<=1)
      dC_chem_dt = C_chem_max;
      dC_chem_dt = 0.0;
      // Update the chemical energy concentration
      C_chem = C_chem_old - (dC_chem_dt * dt);
      // Function to compute volumetric chemical heat generation rate (q_chem)
      q_chem = (1.0/V_bat) * H_chem * dC_chem_dt;
      // Function to compute short-circuit reaction rate (dC_elec/dt)
      if (T>T_tr && C_chem>=0 && C_chem<=1)
      dC_elec_dt = C_elec_max;
      dC_elec_dt = 0.0;
      // Update the electrical energy concentration
      C_elec = C_elec_old - (dC_elec_dt * dt);
      // Function to compute volumetric electric heat generation rate (q_elec)
      q_elec = (1.0/V_bat) * H_sc * dC_elec_dt;
      // Compute heat generation rates
      qv = q_chem + q_elec; // Total heat generation rate (W/m³)
      return qv; // Return total heat source term for Fluent

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You'll need to loop over the cell zone cells and remember to account for NODE/HOST issues. 

    • eng_m_m.abd89

      Any advice on where/how to start writing it, as I am new to the UDF and don't know how to make the loop over the battery cells? 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Look for examples using begin_c_loop and end_c_loop for some ideas. 

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