General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Connect solid and shell

    • Alexander Tangen


      I want to run an analysis where I need to use solid for a detailed analysis, and model the rest of the structure as shells (to save computational cost).

      I am aware of using bonded contact, but I want to know if it is possible to share nodes somehow. I use spaceclaim. I have tried to use Workbench -> Share, but it does not include the part between shell and solid. How can I connect a shell and a solid by sharing nodes, not bonded contact?


    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee



      This shows how to connect solid and shells:

      All the best and hope this helps



    • Simone LuX

      Contact: Bonded,
      Formulation: MPC
      select all DOFs if you want to connect also the rotations so the moment.

      You can check the moment is properly passing trough the elements, by loocking at the result:
      ENMOVECTORS (unaveraged) at the connection. (Must be non-zero)

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