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conic constant

    • arezoo.tahmasebi

      I am trying to designe a biconic lens using Zemax. Does anybody know how I can calculate the conic in x and y direction constant of a biconic surface when I just have the radii of curvature in x and y direction? I would be garteful if anybody can help me out with that. I have just started learning zemax.

    • Ethan Keeler
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Arezoo,

      Are you trying to model an ellipsoid by specifying the conic terms? If that's the case, then you can find a detailed explanation of that calculation here: Biconic (ansys.com). For convenience, I've copied the equations and listed them below:

      • arezoo.tahmasebi

        Thank you! Quite helpful!
        Yes, I think that’s the case. At first, I thought it could be considered part of a sphere because the radii of curvature are only slightly different. Now, I’ll do the precise calculation.

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