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Coal particles and latent heat

    • Stemphanie_anansu
      I was using fluent to simulate pulverized coal combustion, and I found that there are latent heat and Vaporization Temperature (k) in the parameters of pulverized coal particles.
      The information I found says that latent heat exists during phase change.
      The physical process of pulverized coal combustion is that it will evaporate volatiles at the Vaporization Temperature, so the latent heat given by this fluent can be regarded as Vaporization heat in the combustion of this kind of solid particles, can it be regarded as Vaporization heat?
      ps: Assuming that the pulverized coal will not melt or other phase changes, but just the solid pulverized coal will volatilize the volatile combustion material, leaving carbon particles.
    • Vijay Narayan
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Stemphanie,

      If your coal particle has water content/moisture - then latent heat needed for evaporation of water will be specified under water droplet material. The energy releases as part of the volatile reaction is based on the heat of combustion based on the volumetric reaction of volatiles. The latent heat specified under combusting particle corresponds to the heat utilized to release the volatile vapor. The details can be referred in section "12.16.3 Heat Exchange" in Fluent Theory Guide (23R2 document). Also refer table 23.3 in 23R2 Fluent User Guide (which specify the property inputs for combusting particle obeying laws 1-4).

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