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CLANG compiler bug and possibile solution

    • damiano.scrascia

      I have a possible bug (and possible solution) to report with Ansys Fluent relating to UDF-Compiling bug with CLANG compiler (CLANG never works). I understand that we can't go into deep technical detail on this public forum, so would appreciate if someone from the ANSYS support team could contact me directly using my Student Community registered email address to discuss.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      We've been using it successfully for several versions, and I've not seen many issues. What's not working as expected? 

    • damiano.scrascia

      I have attempted to compile .UDFs using Clang both with my personal Ansys Fluent Student Version and with the versions installed at my university. However, when trying to build the .c file, Fluent displays a warning in the console stating that Clang does not work because the.exe file for Clang cannot be found. Upon reviewing the error log in the console, the issue appears to be related to the directory structure generated in some internal files.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Please post the error you're seeing. I assume you don't have any nonEnglish characters in the path or machine name? Windows 10 or 11?

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