General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Change number of mesh subdivisions for some faces in sweeping method


    • fsvensen92

      Hi all

      I am meshing a long beam-like solid. 

      The mesh setup is
      - Edge sizing of 3 subdivisions along the fillets
      - Sweep on the body with 30 subdivisions


      I am want to improve the long thin elements at the fillets. How can I increase the subdivisions in the sweep for just the filleted faces?

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee




      So subdivision is on the body, and since fillet is part of the body, they will have the same subd. as given for the whole body.

      For this mesh just refine the mesh on the straigh edges (give some subdd. say 10 on width and 8 on height/thick dir. edge). Then one can have 60 subdivisions for sweep and get better element aspect ratios. 

      All the best



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