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Change courant flow number in TUI

    • 22503862

      I'm trying to change the flow courant number for a steady state simulation, but there is no command?? The closest I can find in the TUI manual is:


      but this doesn't exist in my solve/set menu!! What is going on 

    • Essence
      Ansys Employee


      Which version of Fluent are you using?

    • 22503862
      Hi, I'm using 2023 R1
    • Essence
      Ansys Employee


      Assuming you are using Pressure based solver, please check if the Pseudo time method is ON or OFF. And in the Controls, check if the option to change the Courant number is available. If it is, then you need to use: solve/set/p-v-controls. Here, Fluent will give you an option to change the Control parameters and one of them would be Courant number.

    • 22503862

      Thank you! I found it, it was under that p-v controls menu. Cheers

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