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[CFX] Definition of effective thermal conductivity in porous zone

    • eric1234598765


      I want to know if CFX is able to solve the energy equation of porous as thermal equilibrium, since " CFX theory guide" has mentioned effective thermal conducitivty. Unfortunately, the guide doesn't explain what that term is, which make me unable to recoongize the equation below as thermal equlilbrium equation.

      I've already known the effective thermal conducitivty formula in Fluent, which is the weighted of porosity of fluid phases and solid phases.

      Therefore, please help me to verify the effective thermal conducitivty in CFX.

      BTW, please also guide me to activate thermal equilibrium model if possible. (Instead of non-equilibrium)




    • DrAmine
      Ansys Employee



      Just run the fluid and remove the solid if you want to get it equilibirum.



    • eric1234598765

      Hi, DrAmine

      Thanks for guiding me to activate thermal equilibrium model!

      Although the definition of effective thermal conductivity in CFX may be the same of that in Fluent, which is :


      where gama and lambda are porosity and conductivity, and subscript f and s are fluid and solid, respectively.

      I'd like someone familar to CFX porous to clarify the effective thermal conductivity in CFX, just in case.




    • DrAmine
      Ansys Employee

      I am familiar with Ansys CFX.

    • DrAmine
      Ansys Employee

      Create your effective thermal conductivity with an expression and use that for the fluid property.

    • eric1234598765

      Hi, DrAmine

      Thanks, that was a helpful information.?



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