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CFD-DEM Coupling Challenges

    • elishasam.acquah

      Hello Expects

      I have few questions and inquiry that I need assistance with,

      1. I am currently learning Ansys Rocky to perform my simulation. I have tried setting up the tutorial examples for CFD-DEM coupling but the Ansys Rocky we have in the school is not able to obtain information from Fluent side. I have left it to run over long hours but the coupling does not take place. It stays on ''obtaining fluent information'' for many hours(24hrs). I have set it up on multiple computers in the school and I am facing similar issue. I want to know what the issue might be. I also want assistance with setting up the CFD-DEM coupling.

      2. I am working on modeling membrane filtration using CFD-DEM on Ansys. I have watched a YouTube video on Fiber Filter filtration which was done and posted on Rocky DEM Particle Simulator by Vinicius Daroz. He used a technic where he compressed the fiber strands into a flat medium. He then loaded the fiber into a new design and used an API module(Freeze Particle), to fix the fiber particles in the fluent domain to serve as a filter. I would like to know if there is a detailed tutorial video on it. Also, I want to know the details of the technic he used to compact the fiber strands and how he was able to setup the API module (Freeze Particles) in the Rocky Module.

      Thank you.

    • Jackson Gomes
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Elishasam.

      1 - Ensure that the Ansys Fluent Coupling Support is selected during the Rocky installation. If it wasn’t selected during the initial installation, you can activate it later using the options menu bellow​​.

           Navigate to Options > Ansys > Install Fluent/Rocky Export. This allows you to install or activate the Fluent coupling component directly within the Rocky software​​.


      2 - I recommend consulting the Rocky Module Manual. Refer to the sections on Particle Freeze Outside Region Module and Particle Freeze when Settled Module.

      Best regards

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