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Centrifugal stress in compressor impeller – static structural analysis

    • srujana


      I am doing static structural analysis of a sector of a compressor impeller, with rotational velocity applied as inertial load. cyclic symmetry is applied, the hub faces are arrested with the following constraints, 

      Remote displacement - x = 0; y = 0; z = 0; rotx = 0; roty = 0; rotz = free;

      Remote displacement 2 - x = 0; y = 0; z = 0; rotx = 0; roty = 0; rotz = 0; 

      Normal stress in rotating axis is obtained to get centrifugal stresses in the impeller. 

      Is this method right? when trying to validate with analytical method (approximated as a disc) using hoop stress formula (σ = (ω^2r^2ρ)/ 3), the results do not match.

      Analytically, for a radius of 52mm, 100000 rpm, & 2850kg/m^3 desnity, average hoop stress is 280MPa. 

      Is there something fundamentally wrong with the method followed. 

      Any insight will be helpful, thank you. 



    • peteroznewman

      It is fundamentally wrong to use two remote displacements to implement cyclic symmetry boundary conditions.

      Insert a Symmetry object into the Model tree and follow the directions in the first few minutes of this video.

    • srujana

      Got it, I just ran the same with fixed condition (as shown in vedio). However, the results still dont match the analytical results (attached below)  

      Cyclic symmetry: 


      Boundary conditions:  

      Equivalent stress:  

      Normal stress in y (centrifugal stress): 


      I tried an ansys tutorial as well, Chapter 14: Static and Modal Analysis of a Compressor Model with 4 Axial Stages 

      The stress values here also do not match with analytical. Is the method of viewing the results correct? Please suggest if there is any reference for centrifugal stress in turbomachinary components that I can go through. Thank you. 


    • peteroznewman

      If you want to compare with the analytical hoop stress result, you need to use the analytical geometry.

      This paper provides examples of how the build a finite element model of the analytical geometry.

    • srujana

      Im a bit confused, which stress does the 3D model analysis represent then. 

    • peteroznewman

      The 3D model of the impeller has the stress for that geometry. If you take away the impeller blades, that changes the stress. If you flatten the shape to a flat disk, that changes the stress.

      • srujana

        Got it, thank you for the support. 

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