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Cell Migration through microchannel device

    • Joydeb Mukherjee

      I am trying to solve cell migration through microchannel device through Ansys Workbench. I have solved fluid flow physics interface where fluid is flowing through microchannel, but the spherical cell is not moving with the fluid flow. I have used moving boundary with translational velocity component. In addition, I have also used trasient structural mechanics physics in which I have applied external volume force term, but, in this case, the cells are not moved along the axial direction. If anyone knows about the interface of this proposed problem, please let me know.

    • Rahul
      Ansys Employee

      Are you trying to solve Fluent-Mechanical coupled analysis here?

      I recommend going over this tutorial in the Ansys documentation that shows a 2-way FSI simulation with Fluent and Mechanical. 

      Reed Valve FSI Co-Simulation with Partial Setup Export from Workbench (Fluent-Mechanical) (ansys.com)

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