General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Capturing accurate stresses in a bolted joint

    • Ans Ahmad

      Hello Everyone!
      I was practicing a simulation for a simple bolted joint, under shear loading (geometry provided by the Ansys innovation course itself). However, during post-processing I noticed a significant difference b/w the averaged and unaveraged Von-mises stresses.
      I tried scoping the stress results on Bolt shank only, but there is still a stress concentration at the location where bolt head and its shank meet (sharing screenshot).
       I tried using adaptive mesh convergence as well, but the stresses even increased. Makes me think if this bolt head-to-shank surface is a stress riser or simply a singularity? How should I address that... 

    • Armin
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Ans,

      Please check the following video where the source of artificially high stresses and how to deal with them are discussed in detail:

      Understanding and Dealing with Artificially High Stresses — Lesson 3 - ANSYS Innovation Courses

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