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LS Dyna

LS Dyna

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Can’t start LS-DYNA License Manager

    • jhoward

      Brought a new server online for LS-DYNA License Manger and sent the LSTC server info to our rep for a new license key. After importing the new license the service stops with an error regarding the Host ID. I've checked the Host ID and it matches in the license key. When I created the LSTC server info file I did modify the Allowed IP address and I wonder if this is causing an issue. 

    • Alex Rycman
      Ansys Employee


      Please submit a new ticket at Ansys Customer Support Space (ACSS) at customer.ansys.com regarding this issue. We will be able to provide more accurate feedback. 

      Thank you,


    • Reno Genest
      Ansys Employee


      What is the exact error message? Can you post it here?

      You will most likely need a new license file as the hostid in the license file does not match the hostid of the license server. Note that the error message shows only the first few characters of the hostid, but the entire string needs to match. If you generate the LSTC_SERVER_INFO file again on the license server, does the hostid (the entire SERVER line and not just the first few characters) match the SERVER line in the license file that was sent to you? If not, then you will need a new license file.

      Is the license server a virtual machine (VM). Note that the LSTC License Manager dates from 2016 and it was not meant to be used on a VM. It is possible the the hostid of a VM changes (as seen by the LSTC license manager) with only software updates. We recommend using a physical "bare metal" license server to host the LSTC License Manager.


      Let me know how it goes.



    • jhoward

      Error- Using configuration file C:\LSDYNA\program\server_data
      ERROR: the host id(s) of this machine ( xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx ) I removed the actually ID
             not found in the license file C:\LSDYNA\program\server_data

      I checked and it looks like the license string no longer matches. I am running this on a VM but I have the MAC address set to static. In the license manager install instructions it states that I can run it on a physical or virtual server and the previous license server we had is on a VM. Is there steps I need to take to prevent the host id from chaning on a windows VM or do I just need to host it on a physical server? 



    • Reno Genest
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Joshua,

      The LSTC License Manager manager does not look at the MAC address for the server ID. The LSTC License manager was not developed for VMs and so we don't really know what can cause the ID of the VM to change (as seen by the LSTC license manager). From past support cases, we know that installing software, rebooting, etc. can cause the ID to change. To avoid the ID to change, leave the VM alone and don't do anything to it. Or, install the LSTC License Manager on a physical license server.

      Which license manager installation instructions do you have? I don't think it states that the LSTC license manager can run on a VM. You must have the Ansys license manager installation guide.

      Here is the LSTC License Manager installation guide:


      Username: user

      Password: computer

      Here is the updated guide for Windows:



      Let  me now how it goes.



    • jhoward

      This is what I was sent:

      How to obtain Server Information for LSTC licenses:  

      ANSYS no longer supports node-locked licenses and multiple servers, please use the following directions to generate the network license file. The server can be a virtual server or physically located on campus. (statement about the virtual server)


      1. Download, install, and run the LSTC License Manager program.
      2. It will generate the LSTC_SERVER_INFO file. Send the file to Ansys. 
      3. Ansys will send back the LSTC LS-Dyna license file.  


      Install the complete LSDYNA package (500MB) which includes the LSTC License Manager


      User Name:

      After you have installed the full LSDYNA package: 

      • Open the LS-DYNA Program Manager  
      • Go to "License Manager Menu"  
      • Click Registration  
      • Save and send the SERVER_INFO FILE to ANSYS to request/process your license. 


      Download:  http://www.lstc.com/download/ls-dyna 

      User Name:

        To obtain server information:  http://www.lstc.com/download/lic/new_netnix_license 

      • Follow the instructions in Section 2 for how to generate a license request
      • Save and send the SERVER_INFO FILE to ANSYS to request/process the license. 
    • Reno Genest
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Joshua,

      Are you all set? Did you get a new license file? Is LS-DYNA working now?

      If so, I will close this post.





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