3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

Cannot merge bodies

    • gerardsoldevilla99


      I am trying to merge a pair of symmetric bodies. The full geometry is basically a plane split. I am using the operation combine, it should work because the right-hand body was created with an operation mirror.

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee
      Please check geometry in SpaceClaim.
      Select geometry in structure tree --> Use right click --> Select Check Geometry. (Or Tools - Fault Detection in DM)
      The geometry should be error free to proceed.
      If geometry has any errors, please modify/recreate geometry at those places.
      Another operation you can try is -
      Delete coomon face of both solids and then use Stitch operation.
      Regards Keyur
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    • gerardsoldevilla99
      Sorry for the delayed replay, and thank you for your answer.
      Yess, you were right, CFX found three conflicting faces.
      But now I can't find a way to solve the problem without deleting part of the general geometry. ┬┐Any idea about how to solve it?
    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee
      Select all faces  right click  detach all
      Then again check.
      Delete faces which has errors. Recreate them.
      Use repair stitch.
      Please go through help manual for more details
      Regards Keyur
      How to access Ansys Online Help Document
      Guidelines on the Student Community

    • gerardsoldevilla99
      Thank you very much, it worked. First deleting the conflicting faces. Then it was not possible to merge in any case. But I solved as you proposed in your first reply, thank you very much.
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