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General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Cannot load design points

    • Chan-Hua Yeh

      Hi, it's my first time encountering this problem: "Unexpected error while refreshing pane TabularDataView".

      I have searched for answers but there is no one explaining. Does anyone know the cause and how to solve it? It seems that Ansys couldn't find those design point files (?).

      Thank you in advance!


      version: Workbench 2022 R1 enterprise

      analysis: static structural

      design points: 48 points

      description: after saving and exiting, the next time I opened it, this error suddenly occurred and Workbench refused to load the design points (the design point files are still in the folder)

    • Gary_S
      Ansys Employee


      This error is not familiar to us.
      It is odd that the Input Parameter Name appears to be a file name, and Expression appears to be a material name. 
      Is this expected? 


    • Chan-Hua Yeh

      Thank you for replying. Yes, it is expected, as I name my static structural this way.

      By the way, I have found that when I click the parameter in geometry, Workbench can successfully load the design points.

      However, the error occurred when I clicked the parameter in static structural.

      In this case, I guess the problem may lie in the static structural, but I still couldn't find the cause. 

    • Gary_S
      Ansys Employee

      Make a Backup of your project

      Open Static Structural

       File > Export > Mechanical Database (.mechdat).

      Drag/drop the .mechdat on the the Project schematic whitespace. 

      It will make a 2nd Static Structural. See if you can work with that. 

      If you stilll have issues, then the Project might have become corrupt when it was origianlly saved. 

      Make a New project, Drag/drop the .mechdat on the the Project schematic whitespace. 

      Copy/Paste the Design Point inputs as needed into the new project. 






    • Chan-Hua Yeh

      It worked!

      Although all the solution results are gone, at least I don't have to set the dps again.

      Thank you very much

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