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Wirebond simulation

    • lh23869

      I am trying to model wirebonds, i have extracted their inductance and s parameters, and all. If i want to try and use them for impedance matching, my load impedance is 25 ohm and transmission line is 50 ohm, i can apply L network to try and match them, but if i only want to match through the wirebond interconnects, how should i go about it in hfss.

    • Aymen Mzoughi
      Ansys Employee

      What is the goal of your simulation?

      • lh23869

        I am trying to perform impedance matching, I have a source waveport at 50 ohm and a load waveport at 25 ohm, I need to extract, S parameters, impedance vs bond wire length, inductance of the wire bonds and effect of mutual inductance etc. 

    • crowd9846

      In HFSS, extract S-parameters of your wirebonds. Define a network in HFSS using these parameters. Employ the optimizer to adjust wirebond dimensions (length, width, spacing) to minimize reflection coefficient at the 25-ohm load. This optimizes the wirebonds themselves for impedance matching to the 50-ohm line.

    • lh23869

      Thanks a lot for your help, i have extracted the S parameters, how can i define a network in HFSS using them, i am currently optimising the model based on them.

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