General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Can thermoelectricity be applied to “thin shell” theory?

    • q86121032

      I am using a "thermal-electric model" to simulate a thermoelectric cooler.

      I would like to ask if the modeling of thin shells can be used in this model?

      If the answer is yes, can someone give an example?


    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee


      We have shell157 (thermoelectric) - see help manual for more info on the element, but it is not exposed inside the thermal-electric system in Workbench.

      There are no examples as it is not natively exposed as mentioned.

      All the best


    • q86121032

      So if I want to simulate a thin film (the thickness about 3.5 nm) thermoelectric cooler, what method should I use?
      In addition, can shell175 be opened with workbench?

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