General Mechanical

General Mechanical

Topics related to Mechanical Enterprise, Motion, Additive Print and more.


    • Deni Engineering

      Hello, I found a bug in the Ansys 2024 R1 coupling system, where when I interrupted the calculation process and then wanted to continue the calculation again, an error appeared like in the video "Update failed for the Solution component in System Coupling.
      Update of the Coupling component failed due to the following components which require user input:
      component Setup in system System Coupling"
      can anyone check for this issue please?
      Please ansys teams for fix this issue

      this is the link of the video :

    • Rahul Mule
      Ansys Employee


      Looks like you are trying to restart the coupled simulation. You need to manually set the the restart point in Fluent, mechanical and system coupling.
      Please follow the procudure as in given following tutorial: Restarting a Coupled Analysis in Fluent and Mechanical (

      Hope this helps!

    • Rahul Mule
      Ansys Employee

      Also, refer user manual to know about system coupling restart in workbench.
      Restarting a Coupled Analysis in Workbench (

      • Deni Engineering

        Hello RM, thanks for replying. In that video, i dont want to restart the calculation with different time step size, but i want to continue calculation after i interupted the calculation in half of calculation. In ansys 2021 products, its not appear error like taht

    • Rahul Mule
      Ansys Employee

      Specify the restart point in each participant as shown in tutorial and continue your interrupted calcualtion.

      • Deni Engineering

        Ok i will try, thanks for your help

      • Deni Engineering

        Hello RM, i have tried like on the tutorial. And i cant specipy the end time of system coupling like in this video :


        Please help me for this issue

      • Deni Engineering

        Hello rahul,

        I still cant continue my calculation for system coupling. The end time in system coupling changed to yellow color and cant modify it. Please help

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