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Buckling of Shell Composites: Segmentation Fault Error

    • ebogetti


      I am working on tow-steered composite plate buckling, and, as a simple check, I decided to begin with column buckling.  I am looking to use *ELEMENT_SHELL_COMPOSITE and *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_BUCKLE.  Ultimately, I want to use one set of shell elements, broken up into different parts, and each part is assigned a different number of plies. 

      I have successfully developed a 16-ply model that runs and gives the expected buckling load.  However, when I increase the number of plies to 32, the implicit static analysis runs properly, but the buckling analysis afterwards gives a "Segmentation Fault" error.  I have sufficent memory allocated, and 20 seemed to be the limit in number of plies I can use reliably before getting the error.  I want to note that I have ran the 32 ply model once, and it did work.  But then I deleted 8 plies, the only thing I did, and ran the model only to get the error. Any help would be appriciated.  I have attached both the model and a portion of the output file showing the error.

      Model of composite column being used. Length 200mm, width 40mm and ply thickness 0.1397mm.

      Output of failed 32-ply run showing successful static analysis but failed buckling analysis.

    • Reno Genest
      Ansys Employee


      Do you have error  messages in the mesXXXX files? You can use the following webapp to find error messages in all mesXXXX files automatically:



      Also, which version of LS-DYNA are you using? Have you tried with the latest R15.0.2?

      LS-DYNA (user=user) Download Page

      Username: user

      Password: computer


      Also, which MPI are you using? If IntelMPI, have you tried with the latest 2021.13 version?

      Let me know how it goes.



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