General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Brakedrum thermo- mechanical analysis

    • engr.rohan7

      Hello community,

      I am doing a coupled field transient analysis of brakedrum.

      But, I am getting this error,

      Also, in force convergence plot, it is seen that the force convergence line goes below force criterion line but substeps don't converge (red circle region),

       I am looking to get total deformation and equivalent stress due to frictional heating in the brakedrum.

      I would also like to know how to get heat generation from the frictional contact and sliding and see the resultant temperature rise in coupled field transient?




    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee


      See our courses for more on contacts (search our webiste for more courses):

      For contact convergence search the internet (one example):

      Substeps more:

      As for your final quetion (heat generation from frictional..) see the help manual:

      Or search there for example:

      Chapter 28: Friction Stir Welding (FSW) Simulation

      All the best


    • engr.rohan7

      Hello Erik,

      Thanks for sharing the above links on contact setup and substeps.

      I used the tips in my simulation but still I am getting the error as seen below,

      There are no N-R residual forces observed in solution information tree. What can be the reason for convergence failure in this case?

      I am looking forward to the solutions for this issue. 



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