General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Body mistakingly imported as flexibel instead of rigid

    • marco.pedata

      Hello there,

      I try to perform a 2 stage LS-Dyna simulation in workbench. I exported a .lsda file from the first stage in workbench.
      I opened this .lsda file in LS-Prepost to verify that the file was exported accordingly. There, all materials are defined as initially indented (all rigid bodies are still rigid). I saved the file as a .k file, opended it and verfied again wether a rigid material definition exists. Afterwards I imported this .k file via an external model into workbench. When I connect this with a LS-Dyna system and edit the model, the stiffness behavior is flexible. I am glad for any recommendations.

    • Ram Gopisetti
      Ansys Employee


      Check the Engineering data and you should see the *MAT_RIGID card this will set the body rigid in the .k file, so this "flexible behavior" can be ignored. 

      To check, export .k file from this stage and open it with Notepad to see if this material card is set.

      Cheers, Ram 

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