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Blackbody Radiation

    • jar2334

      How do I simulate a source being a Blackbody? I am intending to have a blackbody be the incident source onto a photonic device. I want to mimic the field of a black body and the spectrum charcterstics. I am hoping to be able to change an existing source to closly resemble the black body or import the field in. Any help or advice would be welcome. 

    • Dev
      Ansys Employee



      In Lumerical FDTD and MODE solvers, a black-body radiation source is not directly available as a built-in source type. However, my suggestion is you can approximate black-body radiation using a broadband source like a plane wave or dipole source. From my understanding, you might have to create a custom spectrum file(spectral radiance profile), you can multiply that with source's intensity. 

      If you want a feature to be developed, please file it here : Ideas (

      Hope this helps.

      Thank you. 


    • jar2334

      Thanks for the response. I've seen that Zemax has the ability to create a blackbody spectrum. Do you think it is possible to convert this spectrum into a zbf file then import it into lumerical. I am currently atempting to do so but having trouble exporting the zemax file. Otherwise do you have any recomendations for creating a custom spectrum file and how that would work with multiplying that with the soruces intensity. Thanks again for the help.

    • Dev
      Ansys Employee


      Apologies for the delayed response. I would recommend posting your question about exporting Zemax files in the Optics forum for the best guidance( Optics) 

      Have you came across this example?Tech Tip Tuesday: Thermal camera simulation | Zemax Community

      Also, you can get more information on creating custom source spectrum here :Creating a custom source spectrum for an FDTD source – Ansys Optics



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