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Best Visualization Techniques

    • msm19b039

      Hello, Im carrying out a simulation of a ceiling fan in a room using MRF approach. It is for a big project titled 'Aerodynamic shape optimization of ceiling fan blades'". I have acheived an efficiency of almost 35% through numerous design ideations and iterations. All of this is understood in terms of quantitative data and the cliched contour/streamlines/vector plots. I've an important high staked review coming up 14 days from now and I want to create some really gripping and compelling animations. I've found some really amazing cfd animations to which I'll attach the link. For example I want to visualize the flow of streamlines over my fan and to see flow separation if any and the flow getting pushed down. It can be really impressive. 




      However, I do not know how to do this. Please guide me in carrying out these animations. I will be really grateful for your help.

    • Petros
      Ansys Employee

      You can set a transient results export in Output Control of CFX and then make an animation using the Animation menu. More information here.

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