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Beam deflector Metasurface

    • ph23resch01002

      Hi! I am reproducing the paper titled "All-dielectric planar chiral metasurface with gradient geometric phase". I have successfully simulated and obtained all the plots presented in the paper. Now, I am attempting to simulate the beam deflector array to verify the results. In the paper, they plotted the Ex component, which I have attached below. I have placed two DFT monitors to observe the electric field along the xy plane and also along the xz plane. I will also attach the results I obtained. However, the results are not matching. Could anyone please help me understand where I am going wrong?

    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee

      Thank you for providing the information. However it is not enough for us to give solutions. For example, what the source and boundary conditions the paper used and you used? from the last screenshot it seems the plane wave and periodic BC are used. Please refer to this post and check what are the differences between the publicaiton and your simulation. More question is, does the paper give every details that you can duplicate?   

      Ansys Insight: Why my simulation result is different from published paper or experiment?

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