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Battery Simulation – Cannot access User-defined scalar (UDS) diffusivity

    • Lt0Arc85

      Hello, I am using Ansys FLUENT to simulate a battery but my cell is not giving me accurate temperature data. I found a tutorial on constructing a cell on YouTube: but there are specific steps I am unable to replicate.

      My main question is trying to access the UDS diffusivity (kg/m-s) tab when I am assigning materials in the Create/edit dialog box: 


      The first picture is the tutorial step and the 2nd Picture is my repeated step. 

       I don't understand what I am doing wrong. I found that if you change the material's type to "mixture," it would make the UDS tab accessible from a different post. But my only options are solid or fluid. Here is the link:

      The resulting data: (1st picture) Tutorial's results, (2nd picture) My results 


      Any feedback is welcomed. Thank you. 

      Also, when choosing the model/module, I didn't have an MSMD battery or "dual potential" battery, only a regular battery model. 

    • Murari Iyengar
      Ansys Employee

      The UDS Diffusivity has been changed to "Electrical Conductivity" as seen in the Materials pop-up. The MSMD option might not be available in the student version. Can you share the pop-up screenshot of the battery model when you open it?

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