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Ball movement under water flow

    • javat33489

      Hello everyone, I am simulating the movement of a ball under water flow.
      The liquid with the speed of 7 l/s moves the ball towards the saddle (from right to left), gravity is also indicated from right to left (in fact, the pipe is vertical).

      I am using 6DOF and remeshing.
      But during the solution I get the error negative volume mesh:

      I reduced the substeps and remeshing interval but it did not help:

      I also strongly crushed the grid:

      but it did not help either.
      I am using k-epsilon.

      Tell me what else can be done?

    • 948185722

      Try restricting the movement of the ball perpendicular to the pipeline

      • javat33489

        I will try sir, please tell me how to do it?

        • Federico
          Ansys Employee

          When you define your 6DOF properties, you can select Translational 1DOF. You then need to define the direction of motion (whatever the horizontal direction is in your screenshots)

    • Federico
      Ansys Employee

      Refining the mesh will further constrain your allowable time step size.

      Can you show the mesh after the negative volume mesh error?

      Also, I would suggest using the Unified Remeshing method instead of Methods Based, which requires more tuning.

    • javat33489

      >>Also, I would suggest using the Unified Remeshing method instead of Methods Based, which requires more tuning.

      I tried sir, it didn't help.

      • Federico
        Ansys Employee

        Can you show the mesh after the negative volume mesh error?

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