General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Ayuda con Error: “Unable to access the source: EngineeringData”

    • José Gargallo Tatay
      Hola a todos,
      Estoy teniendo un problema con ANSYS Workbench y espero que alguien pueda ayudarme a resolverlo. Al intentar abrir uno de mis proyectos, me encuentro con el siguiente error:
      Unable to access the source: C:\Users\garga\Desktop\M.I.M\TFM\3. MEMORIA\Prácticas Workbench\Práctica 4\ANSYS\Modelo 1. Probeta compacta\Prueba_3\Probeta_compacta_espesor_25_files\dp0\SYS\ENGD\EngineeringData.xml
      He intentado varias cosas sin éxito, incluyendo:
      1. Verificar que el archivo "EngineeringData.xml" existe en la ruta especificada.
      2. Comprobar los permisos de la carpeta y asegurarme de que tengo acceso completo.
      3. Mover el proyecto a una ubicación con una ruta más corta y sin espacios ni caracteres especiales.
      4. Reiniciar ANSYS Workbench y mi computadora.
      5. Asegurarme de que el archivo no esté bloqueado en las propiedades del archivo.
      A pesar de estos intentos, sigo sin poder acceder al archivo. Estoy usando ANSYS 2024 R] en Windows 11.
      ¿Alguien ha enfrentado un problema similar o tiene alguna sugerencia sobre cómo resolver este problema?
      Agradezco cualquier ayuda que puedan ofrecer.
      ¡Gracias de antemano!
      José Gargallo Tatay
    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator


      Hello everyone
      I'm having a problem with ANSYS Workbench and I hope someone can help me resolve it. When trying to open one of my projects, I encounter the following error:
      Unable to access the source: C:\Users\garga\Desktop\M.I.M\TFM\3. REPORT\Workbench Practices\Practice 4\ANSYS\Model 1. Compact specimen\Prueba_3\Probeta_compacta_espesor_25_files\dp0\SYS\ENGD\EngineeringData.xml
      I've tried several things without success, including:
      1. Verify that the "EngineeringData.xml" file exists in the specified path.
      2. Check the permissions of the folder and make sure I have full access.
      3. Move the project to a location with a shorter path and no spaces or special characters.
      4. Restart ANSYS Workbench and my computer.
      5. Make sure the file isn't locked in the file properties.
      Despite these attempts, I still can't access the file. I'm using ANSYS 2024 R] on Windows 11.
      Has anyone faced a similar problem or have any suggestions on how to solve this problem?
      I appreciate any help you can offer.
      Thanks in advance!
      José Gargallo Tatay
    • Tasos K
      Ansys Employee

      Hola José,

      You can try archiving and unarchiving the project file to check if this resolves the issue.

      Additionally, in many cases, when a program (e.g., Mechanical) does not operate as expected, it's required to reset Ansys' program settings by clearing the AppData folder. To reset the settings, follow the steps below:

      1. Close Workbench and its applications.
      2. Type %appdata% in Windows Explorer's Address bar (path) to access AppData / Roaming.
      3. Open the Ansys folder.
      4. Find the folder vXXY, where XXY is the release you are using. For example, if it's 2023R1, then the folder name should be v231.
      5. Rename the folder as vXXY_old, or similar. This is used to store the old settings in case you need to refer to them in the future.
      6. Create an empty folder named vXXY.
      7. Open vXXY_old and copy the MigratePreferences.txt file. Paste it into the new vXXY folder.
      8. Delete all content in the MigratePreferences.txt of the vXXY folder and save.
      9. Open Workbench. Files will be added automatically to the new folder.

      I hope one of these methods helps resolve the issue you are facing.

      Best regards,

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