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Axial fan analysis- high velocity on the border of the fan enclosure

    • klemens208

      Hello! I've been working on an axial fan analysis in ansys fluent, trying to check air velocity generated by different fan blade shapes, after doing the whole simulation and calculations, when i try to check the velocity contour in fluent there appears to be a very high velocity on the borders of the rotating domain, which kinda makes the whole contour a lot less readable (high contrast between these borders velocity and the fan generated velocity). I've been wondering what might cause that and what would be the solution to making these dissapear? Thanks for help!

    • jcooper
      Ansys Employee


      It looks like the velocities are where the interface goes from radial to axial.  I would suggest splitting this interface into three connections and making named selections for the pairs. This will help the frame change numerics.

      Leave the mesh non-confomal at the interface, ie: no share topology. Import the mesh and then create A2, A2 and R1 - three interfaces to connect axial-radial-axial.  You can create these interfaces in the regular interface creation tool as shown below:

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