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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

AveResults over the last x-Iterations

    • fyoussef
      I am simulating a pump with Ansys CFX (steady and transient simulations), and I want to evaluate the efficiency and head of the pump. Therefore I have written my expressions and they work very well. But for the evaluation I would like to have the average value over the last iterations (e.g. the average value of the head over the last 50 iterations) and I would also like to see these results as output parameters in my Workbench project. So how could I do this?
      The number of iterations depends on the geometry, so it doesn't always have to be the last 50...

    • Mark Owens
      Ansys Employee

      Hi, turn on beta features via the Case Options settings in CFX-Pre. You can then do statistics on the monitor for steady state runs


    • Mark Owens
      Ansys Employee

      You can create an expression for the stastistic by probing the monitor name as

      probe(Expression Value.Arithmetic Average)@InletPressure

      But the expression will only evaluate in CFX-Pre and the solver. It will not evaluate in CFD-Post so you cannot make it an output parameter. You would need to create an Additional Variable in CFX-Pre and set it equal to the expression. Then take the volume average of the variable which will have the same value at every cell and make that expression instead your output parameter. 

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