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assigning of transient boundary condition

    • thansiyapa_gmail_com

      i wanted to define a transient boundary condition. i tried to assign the inlet velocity using profile option under boundary condition. but the file is not coming or reading. what can be done to resolve this?

      i clicked preview- showing an error
      Error: CAR: invalid argument [1]: wrong type [not a pair]
      Error Object: ()

      this is the data set i want to apply as boundary condition? can anybody help to assigning this transient boundary condition
      time inlet_velocity
      0 0.052173913
      0.020168067 0.074141876
      0.027731092 0.104347826
      0.030252101 0.142791762
      0.032773109 0.194965675
      0.037815126 0.244393593
      0.042857143 0.307551487
      0.042857143 0.337757437
      0.042857143 0.442105263
      0.042857143 0.480549199
      0.052941176 0.510755149
      0.057983193 0.573913043
      0.06302521 0.626086957
      0.06302521 0.675514874
      0.06302521 0.716704805
      0.06302521 0.757894737
      0.06302521 0.829290618
      0.06302521 0.878718535
      0.06302521 0.933638444
      0.073109244 0.961098398
      0.078151261 1.00228833
      0.078151261 1.043478261
      0.078151261 1.106636156
      0.093277311 1.123112128
      0.108403361 1.114874142
      0.118487395 1.081922197
      0.118487395 1.054462243
      0.115966387 1.013272311
      0.12605042 1.00228833
      0.128571429 0.950114416
      0.128571429 0.922654462
      0.128571429 0.878718535
      0.131092437 0.837528604
      0.138655462 0.796338673
      0.146218487 0.716704805
      0.146218487 0.642562929
      0.151260504 0.593135011
      0.153781513 0.554691076
      0.166386555 0.510755149
      0.171428571 0.458581236
      0.176470588 0.398169336
      0.186554622 0.367963387
      0.196638655 0.304805492
      0.216806723 0.277345538
      0.247058824 0.274599542
      0.254621849 0.252631579
      0.269747899 0.236155606
      0.289915966 0.266361556
      0.307563025 0.266361556
      0.325210084 0.244393593
      0.330252101 0.203203661
      0.340336134 0.170251716
      0.340336134 0.140045767
      0.352941176 0.112585812
      0.365546218 0.112585812
      0.368067227 0.140045767
      0.368067227 0.172997712
      0.370588235 0.203203661
      0.373109244 0.233409611
      0.393277311 0.252631579
      0.418487395 0.252631579
      0.443697479 0.252631579
      0.456302521 0.252631579
      0.47394958 0.241647597
      0.491596639 0.222425629
      0.511764706 0.181235698
      0.53697479 0.140045767
      0.562184874 0.098855835
      0.592436975 0.076887872
      0.610084034 0.057665904
      0.630252101 0.049427918
      0.650420168 0.057665904
      0.675630252 0.057665904
      0.703361345 0.068649886
      0.718487395 0.079633867
      0.756302521 0.076887872
      0.778991597 0.079633867
      0.806722689 0.076887872
      0.829411765 0.087871854
      0.85210084 0.087871854
      0.872268908 0.085125858
      0.889915966 0.087871854
      0.920168067 0.087871854
      0.937815126 0.087871854
      0.96302521 0.06590389
      0.985714286 0.06590389
      1.02605042 0.043935927
      1.048739496 0.054919908
      1.084033613 0.054919908
      1.119327731 0.054919908
      1.147058824 0.054919908
      1.177310924 0.054919908
      1.202521008 0.09610984
      1.227731092 0.107093822
      1.24789916 0.104347826
      1.290756303 0.093363844
      1.321008403 0.054919908
      1.353781513 0.010983982
      1.378991597 0.041189931


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You may want to check the file format, https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/account/Secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/corp/v241/en/flu_ug/flu_ug_bcs_sec_transient.html  

    • thansiyapa_gmail_com

      thank you Rob, but i am not able to open the link. Its showing to enter Account Number(Customer Number). Currently i am using student version.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Click on Help in Fluent. Once the browser opens paste the link into the browser. 

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