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ask about filter designer tool (Nuhertz filter solution)

    • marwa omer
      please help me if you can 
      i need to download and use ANSYS filter designer tools (with free if it is available )
       Then please, I need a video to guide me how I can find SIW topology (substrate integrated waveguide ), because all videos just present other topologies, not the SIW 
       Nuhertz filter solution from ANSYS, just export the topology as HFSS. But I am using CST ,so which file extension should I use to export from ANSYS, then will it be available to import in CST to simulate it? 
      I will attach to you the video link that I  saw before about filter design then they exported  and simulated in HFSS (
       and I need a video to learn how to use SIW in this tool 
      Then could you please show me  is it possible to use more than one topology in the same design , if yes ,how ? i mean if i need SIW cavity include CSRR (complementary split ring resonator )or IDC ( interdigital capacitor technique) how can i design this in filter designer tool in ANSYS 
      THANK you so much 
    • Jie Yan
      Ansys Employee

      Customer need to purchase the nuhertz license to use it. and we can download the software in ansys customer website:Current Release (

      And there is no SIW topologt in the distributed synthesis for now. besides, you can export the filter model to STP file, then import it to CST.

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