We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

AQWA Hydrodynamic Diffraction / Non-symmetry in the ship added mass matrix

    • pohigor

      I modeled a symmetrical ship hull in the xz plane using Aqwa to determine the hydrodynamic coefficients for added mass and potential damping. I imported the geometry into Design Modeler and aligned the xy plane with the waterline, setting the plane's origin at the ship's centerline. I divided the hull geometry into two sections—dry and wet—and successfully created a mirrored mesh, ensuring that the port side mesh was symmetrical to the starboard side. After reimporting the geometry into Aqwa, I added a mass point. As well explained in Faltinsen's book, for the case without forward speed, the relations Aij = Aji and Bij = Bji must be respected. However, in my model, this is not observed for all terms. As examples are the terms A35 and A53:


      Does anyone know why the symmetry of the matrix is ​​not respected?
      Thanks in advance.

      Wave directions: -180 to 180 / number of directions: 9 
      Wave periods: 180s to 2s / number of periods: 21 
      Ship length: 55m 
      Mesh size: 0.4m

    • Shuangxing Du
      Ansys Employee

      Could you please set the unit of degree as [rad] in your Aqwa Workbench project?  A35 and A53 should be very close if the unit of A53 is in [kg.m/rad]. 

    • pohigor

      converting to radians the values ​​become close. thanks for your help.

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