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Application of UMAT

    • Pratik Ganorkar


      Can anyone please explain how to use UMAT for material erosion and coding for erosion appication? and How to plot Fringe Plotting of history variable (HSV) ?.

      Pratik Ganorkar (pratik2116303@iitgoa.ac.in)

      MTech Mecahnical Engineering 

      Indian Institute of Technology Goa (2021-2023)


    • Andreas Koutras
      Ansys Employee
      Hello, Appendix A has an example umat41 subroutine showing how to consider material failure and subsequent element erosion. To fringe plot history variables, you will first need to have *DATABASE_EXTENT_BINARY included in the input and have the number of history variables to be extracted specified through NEIPH, NEIPS, BEAMIP for solid, shell, or beam elements respectively. Then, once you open d3plot in LSPP, go to Fringe Component > Misc and select a history variable to fringe. I hope this helps.
    • Pratik Ganorkar

      Hi Andreas, 

      Thank you very much for the  response. I have learnt a lot from your advice.

      The material erosion criteria I have been using is by UMAT. But it starts to give negative volume error, after adding CONTACT_EROSION_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE for all contact surface and taking high principle stress values in MAT_EROSION the entire plate gets deleted. What is the contact which I need to use to solve the problem. 

      The following image is of the elements gets deleted.

      4 layer composite plate impacted by FSP  

      Thanking you

      Pratik Ganorkar (pratik2116303@iitgoa.ac.in)

      MTech Mechanical Engineering 

      Indian Institute of Technology Goa (2021-2023)

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